Useful to know contacts

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The bikes Those were the days TheEvents The Plough The Map

Useful to know Rebuild of a Vincent Black Prince


Soda Blasting: Cary 01296 655753 Westcott

Soda, shot, vapour, bead blasting & some machine shop facilities: Tim Walker Restorations 01296 770296 Just past On yer Bike

Welding inc. Ally. welding: George Band 07968 201771 Little Kingshill

Computer repairs & new supply: Bob Smith 01494 857572 Gt. Kingshill

Magneto repairs: Mervin Kendall: 01582 601555, 07962895021 Dunstable

Frame straitening:Tommy, Maidstone Motoliner 01622 790705 Aylesford

Platers & polishers: Colin, Vehicle & General platers 01462 835 847 Arlesey

General engineering & supply of odd bits of metal for cash: E& R Meakes Ditchfield Common, Lane End 01494 881262

Seat recovering: Alan/Tony Archer, Huddersfield 01484 536832


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